Homeopathic medicine for premature greying of hair

In today's World, it is essential to have a pretty face. Now there is hardly anything we can do about our faces except to keep it acne-free and have lovely hair. So, I recommend good glorious hair is also an eye-catcher. Homeopathy can help you in many different ways to have lovely hair. Homeopathybook gives you important tips and homeopathic remedies that will help you with the premature graying of hair problems.

Homeopathic Remedies of Graying of Hair:

Phosphoric acid 30
  • Great debility
  • Itching on hairy scalp
  • Gray hair early in life
Lycopodium 30
  • Premature graying of hair in spots
  • Craving for sweets 
  • Digestion problem
Vinca minor 30
  • Hair falls out in single spots and white hair grows there
  • Spots on head oozing moisture 
  • Bald patch
  • Itching scalp
Natrum muriaticum 30
  • Premature greying of hair in an anaemic or weak person
  • patient craving for salt
Phosphorus 30
  • It is an excellent remedy for graying hair
  • In this person have a fine complexion
Silicea 30
  • Graying of hair for the improper digestive system
  • Very chilly people
  • Malabsorption power of intestine
Sulpher Q
  • Dry scalp
  • Falling of hair worse by washing
  • Scratching of hair with hair fall
Baryta Carbonica 30
  • premature greying of hair in early age
  • Graying hair in adult people
Arnica montana Q
  • It is a flowering herb and its mixes with hair-oil and applies on the scalp 

Statement of Author:

Homeopathy4book expert homoeopath doctor treats hair fall using constitutional homeopathy treatment after careful analysis of the symptoms, premature graying of hair. 

At the onset of the treatment is done with the mindset of getting long term relief. You might want to book an appointment Contact - Homeopathybook

Homeopathic medicine for dandruff

In today's World, it is essential to have a pretty face. Now there is hardly anything we can do about our faces except to keep it acne-free and have lovely hair. So, I recommend good glorious hair is also an eye-catcher. Homeopathy can help you in many different ways to have lovely hair. Homeopathybook gives you important tips and homeopathic remedies that will help you with the dandruff problem. It is also known as Scurf and Seborrhoea Capitis.

Homeopathic Remedies for Dandruff:

Arsenicum album 30
  • Very itchy scalp
Fluoric acid 30
  • Dry scaling of the scalp
  • Itchy scalp with mark hair loss
  • The root of hair weak and sensitive 
  • Dandruff settles down like ringworm in a circular shape
Graphites 30
  • Moistless and crusting scalp, like impetigo
  • Much scaling scalp
  • Irritation in head
  • Dandruff with ringworm and grainy beads
  • Also with constipation 
  • Sticky and itchy scalp with bad-smelling
Mezereum 30
  • Severe itchy scalp 
  • Thick white crust
  • Dandruff layer sediment this makes layer all over the scalp  
Oleander Q
  • A minor remedy mentioned by Clarke 
  • A peculiar symptom is biting itching
Sepia 30
  • Moist dandruff
Sulphur Q
  • Dandruff provoking much scratching at night
  • Dry scalp
  • Dandruff due to continuous washing of hair is fixed with a solution
  • Anxious person
  • Hot temper
Sanicula 200
  • Dandruff is everywhere from head to eyebrows and also in the genital area
Phosphorus 30
  • Hair fall in bunches
  • Too much of visible dandruff-like cloud on head
  • Unbearable itching in head
Thuja 30
  • Dandruff fall off the head like small patches
  • Dry dandruff 
  • White dandruff
Psorinum 200
  • Dandruff with bad odour
  • Hair fall
  • The patient is cold temper
  • Itchy scalp
Natrum muriaticum 30
  • Dandruff with oily and sleek scalp
  • Dry eruption on the edges of the scalp 
Kali Sulphuricum 30
  • A later stage of dandruff where there is a lot of swelling
  • Yellow scales
  • Worse under warm condition, in evening 
  • Better in cool
Carboneum Sulphuratum 30
  • Chronic skin disease with itching
  • Itchy scalp
  • Patients separated by abuse of liquor
  • Top remedy for dandruff
  • Dry, sore and tatter like scalp
  • Itchy scalp
  • Badiaga also apply with oil on the scalp 
Armoracia sat 30
  • It is a specific medicine for dandruff
Lycopodium clavatum 200
  • Itching of the scalp with headache
  • After a hot bath it worse
  • Due to dandruff hair fall in bunches cause baldness in a single spot
Sanicula 200
  • Scaly dandruff on the scalp eyebrows and other hairy parts

Statement of Author:

Homeopathy4book expert homoeopath doctor treats hair fall using constitutional homeopathy treatment after careful analysis of the symptoms, severity of dandruff. 

At the onset of the treatment is done with the mindset of getting long term relief. You might want to book an appointment Contact - Homeopathybook

Homeopathic medicine for hair fall

In today's World, it is essential to have a pretty face. Now there is hardly anything we can do about our faces except to keep it acne-free and have lovely hair. So, I suggest good glorious hair is also an eye-catcher. Homoeopathy can help you in many different ways to have lovely hair. Homeopathybook gives you important tips and homeopathic remedies that will help you in the hair fall problem.

Hair is a very important aspect for you because it represents your health in many different ways such as problems with thyroid, ovaries, chronic disease & hormonal imbalances. So, take care of your hair with the use of homeopathy. 

Homeopathic Remedies for Hairfall: 

Thuja occidentalis 30

  • Dryness and thinning of hair
  • Slow hair growth
  • Lusterless hair
Flouric acid 30
  • Hairloss in spots
  • Regrowth of hair in bald patches
  • Hairloss start after the fever 
  • Hair is dry, easily break off
Acid phosphoricum 30
  • Hair fall after an illness like typhoid fever malarial fever 
  • Premature greying of hair
  • Hair fall due to weakness
Natrum muriaticum 30
  • Hair fall in anaemia 
  • Fluid loss 
  • In children
  • After delivery 
  • Thinning of hair
  • Hair fall in the frontal area of the head
Lycopodium 200
  • Hair fall for gastric trouble
  • Premature greying of hair 
  • Hair fall after delivery and menopause
  • Hair fall due to ovarian dysfunction
  • Hair falling start vertex first after the temple
  • Especially right side greying of hair
Phosphorus 30
  • Hair fall seen in bunches
  • Young people 
  • Dry and greying of hair
  • Hairfall from a vertex, crown area, and forehead
  • Hairfall due to change of climate and water change
  • After pregnancy
Selenium 200  
  • Special for male 
  • Hair fall for hereditary 
  • Issue of hormonal change 
Wiesbaden Q
  • Severe hair fall 
  • Generalized think hair
  • Growing of hair
  • Darkening of hair           
pulsatilla 30
  • After pregnancy
  • Thirstless  crave fresh air
  • Absence of thirst and desire for open-air
  • Weeping tendency
  • Hair loss due to cannot digest fatty food 
Graphites 30
  • Hormonal imbalance 
  • Pcod (polycystic ovarian disease)
  • Thyroid 
  • Hair fall after delivery 
Mezereum 30
  • Thick crusty eruption on the scalp with a discharge of thick offensive pus
  • breeding of vermin in hair and eating away of hair by discharge leading to hair loss
Sepia 30
  • After delivery 
  • During breastfeeding mother
  • Hair loss at menopause
Vinca minor 30 
  • Sticky hair oily hair 
Psorinum 30
  • Pustules on the scalp after hair fall
  • Pustules have sticky discharge and offensive fluid
  • That discharge make the hair stick together which lead to hair get tangled and destroy 
Calcarea Phosphorica 30 
  • Hair fall due to the combing of hair

Important Tips: 

Brahmi Q and jaborandi Q mix well and apply on the scalp for the best result in hair fall.
Arnica montana Q mixed with coconut oil also helps to prevent hair fall.

Statement of Author:

Homeopathy4book expert homoeopath doctor treats hair fall using constitutional homeopathy treatment after careful analysis of the symptoms, severity of the hair fall. 

At the onset of the treatment is done with the mindset of getting long term relief. You might want to book an appointment Contact - Homeopathybook